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Jewel of the South Caucasus: Promoting Georgia as a winter destination

Jewel of the South Caucasus: Promoting Georgia as a winter destination

“We partnered with Skyscanner because we wanted to tell our story to as many travellers as possible. Their huge reach, customisable ads package and millions of engaged users helped us put Georgia on the map as a winter destination.”

Rozalia Jomidava, Chief Specialist, Georgian National Tourism Administration

  • The campaign was about reaching as many travellers as possible to show them the amazing experiences they could discover in Georgia during the winter.

  • We used themed itineraries, TikTok and other social platforms to showcase the best of Georgia for a week-long adventure. 

The impact
  • We reached 4.4 million travellers, generating a return on ad spend of 53:1.

  • Our TikTok ads performed very well, reaching 1.5 million people and achieving 10 million views.


Jewel of the South Caucasus

Beautiful, culturally rich Georgia is the most visited country in the South Caucasus, having exploded in popularity with travellers in recent years seeking some of the world’s most impressive landscapes, nature and history.

We were tasked with increasing awareness of Georgia as a winter destination among travellers in Germany, Poland and the United Arab Emirates, to put Georgia on the map during the colder months so it could sustain its level of tourism throughout the year.


Putting Georgia on their mind

This campaign was all about reaching as many travellers as possible at the top of the marketing funnel during the awareness and inspiration phases.

We were speaking to a broad audience across multiple countries and age groups, whose travel motivations included outdoor adventure, food and drink, and culture.

We used attention-grabbing homepage hero and paid social ads on Instagram and Facebook to target travellers on and off Skyscanner, while brand banners put Georgia in front of travellers searching for competitor destinations.


Homepage hero-1Hero ads on our homepage with no competing advertisers increased share of voice and engagement, driving users to our Country Explorer page.


This was the first time using TikTok in a destination partner campaign. To drive views and engagement, the ad had to feel unbranded, natural and user-generated, so it blended in with the look and feel of other TikTok content.


Our TikTok ad transporting travellers to the heart of Georgia during the winter holidays. 


All placements directed travellers to a Country Explorer page featuring a week-long itinerary written by Skyscanner’s travel experts, revealing how to explore the best of Georgia, from the capital Tbilisi to the rolling hills of wine country to awe-inspiring adventures high up in the Kazbegi mountains.


Hub page

Our Georgia hub page featured a week-long itinerary to help travellers discover the best and most varied regions of the country.


Strategic support

Combining traveller search data and machine learning capabilities, we help our destination partners to reach the right travellers at the right time, as well as targeting undecided travellers and those searching for competing destinations.

As Georgia’s strategic partner, we used traveller insights and behaviour data to collaborate on everything from creative ideation and messaging to placement AB testing, to ensure everything had as much cut-through and impact as possible.

We also had regular catch-ups throughout the campaign and shared evolving market and destination trends with the Georgian National Tourism Administration team.

After the big success of the campaign and the growth of a really strong, enjoyable relationship, we’re working on a summer campaign for Georgia to help develop its strategy and target markets.



The campaign had a return on ad spend of 53:1.

We exceeded the campaign objective of reaching 1.5 million travellers, reaching 4.4 million travellers and delivering over 26 million impressions.

Our TikTok ads performed very well, reaching 1.5 million people and achieving 10 million views. All other assets, from our homepage hero to our social posts, over-delivered on all CTR benchmarks.


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